On June 14, 2023, the first Azerbaijan Arbitration Day was held by the Azerbaijan Arbitration Association in Paris. Baku State University Law Review took part in this event as one of the organizing partners alongside the International Chamber of Commerce and Jus Mundi. The event commenced with an inauguration during which Ms. Leyla Abdullayeva \u2013 Her Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to France, Ms. Claudia Salomon \u2013 the President of the International Court of Arbitration of the ICC, and Professor Kamalia Mehtiyeva \u2013 the President of the Azerbaijan Arbitration Association delivered speeches.
Afterwards, two panels took place covering topics related to arbitration from both Azerbaijani and international perspectives. Eminent figures from the field of arbitration, university professors, and lawyers from Azerbaijan were among the attendees who engaged in these discussions. Further, a special speech on \u201cCulture and persuasion in International Arbitration\u201d was delivered by Mr Andrew Clarke. Finally, a debate on whether culture matters in adjudication took place between Professor Bernard Hanotiau and Judge Koorosh Ameli.
This issue of the Baku State University Law Review contains transcripts of these discussions and speeches to provide a comprehensive overview of the event.<\/p>\n\n\n\n